YCN 2019 Artisan - Filter in the Fun.
Create an outstanding brand campaign to drive sales for the premium range of Artisan Drinks within the best bars, hotels and restaurants within the UK & Australia.
This campaign aims to promote the unique mixology of Artisan Drinks, within the UK and Australia with the slogan ‘Filter in the fun.’ This slogan associates the mixer with being the exciting element of a drink, rather than the alcohol. 
The slogan ‘FILTER IN THE FUN’ means when Artisan Drinks co is involved with an event it instantly becomes exciting because the brand brings creativity and fun. The logo juxtaposes basic tap water and the flavourful Artisan drinks, showing that Artisan can make anything fun. This logo shall be put on the posters, and other touch points involved in the campaign.
2 Campaign Logo Lock-Ups; 
4 Poster Series; 
Social Media GIF; 
Sponsored Event "Filter in: The Fest."
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